Wednesday, August 26, 2020



Thermoplastics are defined as polymers that can be melted and recast almost indefinitely. They are molten when heated and harden upon cooling. Thermoplastics have a simple molecular structure comprising chemically independent macromolecules. Thermoplastic materials are used for a wide range of applications from consumer goods to medical equipment, depending on the type of material. Commodity thermoplastics are the easiest to process and are used to manufacture products in high volumes. These materials are best for applications like packaging, clothing, food, and beverages. Thermoplastic elastomers are known as two-phase systems because they are created when a hard-thermoplastic phase is combined mechanically or chemically with a soft elastomer phase, taking characteristics from both phases to form the final product. Thermoplastics can replace metals with a considerable weight savings , providing proper care is taken in design. Most thermoplastics have better fatigue properties than metals and will tolerate larger deflections than metals without deforming.

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