Saturday, July 4, 2020

Nano Fluidics

The field of nanofluidics is not brand-new. Some issues associated with nanoscale fluidics have been occasionally dealt with by researchers in membrane science, colloid science, and chemical engineering for many decades. Nanofluidics is usually considered to be a realm evolved from microfluidics, but is obviously not just an extension of microfluidics. New physical phenomena and mechanisms which are not observed at microscales or in bulk start to emerge and dominate at nanoscales, opening up a virgin research territory to explore new scientific insights and applications of fluids. Nanomaterials offer the opportunity to work with nanofluidics which is not a simple extension of microfluidics. The unexplored effects in these small spaces provide the opportunity of new synthesis at a nanometric level. Furthermore, the nanofluidics is a brand new field and the devices implemented for these techniques will open new branches inside the classical areas of chemistry, biochemistry, and experimental physics.
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